Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Art Of Living In NOW!

I'm sure you have read before that living in the present moment is one of the biggest and powerful ways to improve you life for better. People living in NOW or this moment will definitely have a higher awareness of their surrounding reality and will have a greater capability to deal with any life situation effortlessly.

When we constantly think about future, what really happens is we sow the seed of what will happen in future. Truly speaking you have not yet experienced future because you can't do it in this moment. But by "thinking about" what might happen you start the engine of creativity and then force yourself to expertise the thing that you imagined.

When you remain in present you cut down all the future events that were going to happen and focus on this moment now. The situations which you are facing now has been created in the past and bay facing them fully you completely eliminate the chain reaction that may have caused any emotional pain in the future.

By being in this moment you can gain a higher status in life because you end the anxiety gap that exists in your mind. There is an easy technique to remain in now. Simply become aware of your breathing right now.
If you do this just five minutes, three times a day you'll see great results even in a week. This is not hard at all. You can do this even when you are stuck on a traffic jam, while taking bath or even when you're in the elevator.

Your breath is always in the present moment. You can't breath in tomorrows air today and that's the key to this whole exercise.

Just give it a try and see the amazing results yourself.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Success Is Just Round The Corner, Don't Quit Yet!

Many people quit when they are sooo close to what they want to achieve in life. If you are struggling to achieve something worthwhile and have invested lot of efforts and energy for a longer period of time then it's very normal to thin that you are not going anywhere and something is terribly wrong with you.

But believe me whatever you do to achieve your success brings you one step closer to success everyday. Who knows when you quit, your goal just nearer to you and all you need an extra step to jump and grab it by your hands.

So, think about it

Quitting is the easiest action and is nothing as compared to what you have already done to achieve your goal. So instead of taking a low value action why not just take one more step towards your goal and brag it.
Have patience and you'll soon discover your desire.

All the best

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

No one Is Perfect, So Why Try to Become One?

Look, it's good to strive for perfection and achieve the highest quality in whatever you are trying to create. But there are many people who, in order to achieve perfection procrastinate a lot and keep delaying their creation process.

They want their work to be the best and wait for the best ideas to come to their mind. This makes them "wait" for the perfect idea which unfortunately never comes.

If you are seriously thinking to start a new blog/website/ project or anything that you know is going to make a big difference, then don’t wait. Just get going and get started.

Once you get started no matter how small it may be, it will push you towards your goal a little closer. The key to this whole exercise is to generate a momentum in your mind so that it gets into the habit of taking action and not slow down.

I once read on a blog that "Inaction breeds doubt and fear" and I absolutely believe in this statement. Any actions no matter how small it may will defenitely take you a step closer to your goal.

Now may people may argue, "What if my step is a mistake which may lead to failure?”

Yes, it's possible that the action may not produce the result you intended, but consider this for a moment. The wrong action will teach you "what not to do" and is still an indication that you are one step closer to your goal.

So my friend, don't commit the mistake I used to make when I got started. I used to write and delete articles because I thought it's not yet perfect and spend weeks without posting anything on my blog. That led to massive inaction and the result was that I started feeling guilty for not taking any action in weeks.

So remember this message clearly..

You are wonderful and if you believe that you can make even a small difference in this world then go ahead and do it. As the time goes by you'll start getting amazing insights and will gain a unique touch to your creativity.

All the best and don't forget to share your thoughts below. Also if you liked this article kindly share it on facebook/twitter so that your friends benefit from these words as well.

Monday, June 25, 2012

What To do When You Feel Completely Hopeless

I know how it feels,

The feeling of hopelessness..

The world becomes dull and you feel sick. Suddenly all the energy and the enthusiasm is gone. You feel like being alone in the room and nothing feels right.

You are not alone who is going through this. Many people go through this type of thing frequently. Not everyone knows how to deal with it and what to do when you are down.

However the truth is there are times when you are happy and full of energy. That’s why when you feel sick and hopelessness feels your conscious, you don't know what to do.

But let me tell you one simple secret here.

No matter how deep your hopelessness is it will pass by. Time is an amazing thing that takes care of you. Life takes care of you by showing you the right path that will help you to regain your energy.

All you have to do have a little patience. If you practice being grateful to whatever life has given you so far then you'll be in a much easier position to get out of this situation easily and quickly.

There are many events happening which are your control that can make you feel disappointed and feel hopeless. That's when patience comes to your rescue.

Just think about what might have happened to people who were suffered terribly in Japan's tsunamis recently. Suddenly in a matter of few hours everything was destroyed and gone forever.

So think about how less devastating your life is as compared to these people. There are many ways to become happy and if you focus on them you'll be able to get out of hopelessness easily.